The Kits tab is where the ingredients of a kit item can be defined. Kit items are items that are pre-processed by the distributor prior to being sold.




Inventory kits allow food distributors to define all the sub-products that go into making the final "master" item. In the case of someone making coleslaw, the definition could include the amount of cabbage, carrots, mayonnaise, sugar, vinegar, containers, labels and even labor needed to make one unit of coleslaw. When the batch of coleslaw is made and subsequently received, entrée will deduct the appropriate quantities and weights from each item that is defined as a kit ingredient.


The inventory kit feature is obviously not a full-blown manufacturing system, but it serves the needs of many distributors with simple processing requirements.


Use of lot-based and catchweight items as kit ingredients.

     Kit Item's "Units of Measure" value and the "Kit Units of Measure" value (on the "Kits" tab) so that cost information will be converted correctly between Kits or ingredient items which *are* priced by weight and those which are not. You will need to have *all* of the required lot and weight information before completing receipt of the Kit.


Updating Kit Costs

The Kits feature not only maintains inventory quantity and weight information, but also track costing as well. When the cost of an item is changed, entrée will automatically update the costs and pricing of all kit items using that changed item as one of it's ingredients.


There are two methods to select from to update kit costs which are based on whether or not System Option #182 - "Kit item Base Cost includes Cost Markup from ingredients" is enabled.


If you prefer the ingredient markups be included in the Base Cost of the Kit and to calculate costs backward from the ingredients Base Cost, the way they were previously done, leave System Option #182 disabled (default).


You must check System Option #182 so the system will calculate and retain the Cost Markup value for each Kit ingredient item. The Cost Markup value is calculated by taking Base Cost and subtracting Real Cost and Freight. Any time the ingredient item's cost is updated the markup amount is simply recalculated from the new Real/Freight/Base values.


When System Option #182 is enabled the "Land Cost" and "Ext. Landed" columns in the ingredient edit grid and the "Landed Cost" total below the grid are changed to "Base Cost", "Ext. Base" and "Base Cost".


Kit items do not support the use of Cost Markup directly on the Kit.


Provisions have been made in the "Receive by Item" utility for the entry of lot and/or catchweight information.