entrée has a substitute items feature in invoicing that allows a user to select a different product if stock was low or out for a particular item.



Adding a Substitute Item

1.Select the first empty row in the substitute items grid and press the Enter key.
2.Enter the item number of the item that should be substituted and press the Enter key. If the item number is not known click the  search button to open the Inventory Search screen.  


Deleting a Substitute Item

1.Select the substitute item to delete in the substitute items grid and press the Enter key.
2.Press the Delete key.
3.Press the Enter key.



While invoicing, users can open the Substitute Items dialog by clicking the Substitutes... button. The dialog that appears displays each of the substitute items, as well as the current on hand quantity and weight for each entry. If an item is selected from the substitute items dialog, entrée will update the current item with the substitute item that was chosen.