Enable Promotions for ALL Items of this CLASS

This option instructs entrée to use the promotion defined for this item for all other items of the same class.


Enable this option if the promotion should be used for all items of the same class.


If another item of the same class has a valid promotion defined, the item promotion will be used instead of the class promotion.


If more than one class promotion has been defined for a given class, the class promotion of the first item found will be used. NECS recommends not defining more than one class promotion for any given class.


If the value of this option is changed, every item with the same class name will also be updated to reflect the new value of the option.


When a new item is added to a class that has class promotions enabled or an existing item is being moved into a class that has class promotions enabled, the option will have to be manually enabled for the item to receive the class promotion.