As a special feature of the sale pricing system, entrée allows for the sales price to be adjusted based on the customer's Industry Code.


Up to 12 industry based sale prices may be defined.


To modify the industry sale prices, click the Industry Sale Pricing... button. This will open the Industry Sale Pricing dialog.


After making changes in the Industry Sale Pricing dialog, click the OK button to save the changes or the Cancel button to discard them.


Add Industry based sale price

1.        Click the Add button.

2.Enter the Industry code to receive the sale price and press the Enter key.
3.Enter the sale price amount and press the Enter key.




Edit Industry based sale price

1.Select the industry sale price to edit and press the Enter key.
2.Enter the new value for the sale price and press the Enter key.


Delete Industry based sale price

1.Select the industry sale price to edit.
2.Click the Delete button.
3.When prompted to confirm the deletion click the Yes button.


There is a context menu that can be activated by right-clicking on the special price grid. The options of the menu are self explanatory.