Some items you sell may always be physically packed in a case or handled by the piece, but always sold by the pound with each unit having the same weight. These are called constant weight items. For example, American cheese may always be packed in a 30 pound. case but sold by the pound. When entering the invoice, if you were to sell 2 cases, the system would automatically take the per pound price and multiply it by 60 lbs.


Set up a constant weight item as you would any other with the exception of the following:


The Unit of Measure field should be set to CASE or PC. (be sure to include the period at the end)


The Price by Weight field must be enabled.


The Constant Weight must be set to the weight of the unit being sold.


The Average, Minimum, and Maximum Weight fields must be set to 0.


Item costs and selling prices should be defined as a per pound cost or price.