This field will only be displayed when the invoice edit mode is set to Create Credit Memo.

You may optionally enter the invoice number that the credit should be applied to in this field. Upon completion of the credit memo the total amount of the credit memo will be automatically applied to the specified invoice in the customer's account.



When entering an invoice number in the Apply to Invoice field you must comply with the following restrictions.


The Bill To and Ship To customer numbers of the credit memo must match the invoice you are applying the credit memo to.


The invoice you are applying the credit memo to must be printed.


The invoice you are applying to cannot be a credit memo.


The invoice you are applying to must exist in the accounts receivable file.


The invoice you are applying to cannot have a balance of 0.00.



If you enter an invoice number that does not comply with these conditions you will receive an Invalid Invoice Number message. If this happens click the OK button to return to the credit memo window and select a different invoice number to apply the credit memo to.



If the total of the credit memo exceeds the balance remaining of the invoice you are applying to...


entrée will pay off the invoice in full.


The balance of the credit memo will be left unapplied in the accounts receivable file.


The unapplied portion of the credit memo can be manually applied using the entrée Cash Receipts system.