This section will provide an overview of the user interface for the entrée invoicing system. The entrée system system uses the same interface when creating or changing invoices, sales orders and credit memos.


Revision Letter

entrée has implemented a new method for tracking "add-on" items in Invoicing. Internally each invoice will now be assigned a three-digit Revision Number" which operates in parallel to the familiar "Revision Letter" value (the letter "C" that follows the Invoice No. field in the image below.) This Revision Number is also used on the individual line items.



Two fields on the invoice which track the Revision Number which was in effect the last time that a Loading Sheet or an Invoice was printed. This allows entrée to filter the items to show only those items which have been added since the last time the document was printed.


The focus of this section will be on how to interact with the dialog as opposed to a complete "how to" on the invoicing system as a whole.





For the remainder of this section, the term invoice refers to invoices, sales order, and credit memos unless otherwise noted for the remainder of this section.



Invoicing Updates Count and Weight Totals for Assign Routes

The process which calculates and stores count and weight totals data in Create / Change Invoice has been updated in version 3.6.7 to save this data as a permanent part of the invoice specifically for use by the Assign Routes Utility. This update will reduce the work load in the Assign Routes Utility, which previously performed these calculations “on the fly”, speeding up the Assign Routes process on busy days.


The calculation of count and weight totals values will now work with System Option #107 - "Show estimated Extended Amount for catchweight items in Invoicing".


When System Option #107 is enabled entrée will attempt to use whatever information is available to generate meaningful estimates for the shipping weight for catchweight / "LB." items. The Assign Routes Utility will now include those estimated weights so that the totals shown in Assign Routes are more realistic.


Invoices & Credit Items

The process of calculating the total item count on invoices was updated in version 3.6.9 so that credit items are excluded from the calculation.