The Assign Routes utility allows the user to view or edit the invoice comment.


1.Click on the invoice to select it in the invoice grid.  


2.Click the Invoice Comment button.


3.    This opens the Edit Invoice Comment window. Edit existing comments or add new comments as required.


4.    You have the option to Print on Loading Sheet only by checking the box.



5.    The Import button is used to  view and select from the entrée system comments.


a.Click the Import button.

b.The Import Comment dialog box will display



c.Enter a Comment ID if you know it.

d.Click the search tool to view all entrée system comments in the Comment Search dialog box.

e.Click on a comment to select it.

f.Then click OK.



6.   Click OK in the rest of the comment dialog boxes once you are done. The image below is an example of an Invoice  Comment with both types of comments added.