You can view a summary of the currently selected invoice information in the invoice grid.


Right -click on an invoice to display the edit and view options.

Double-click the invoice to view the invoice in Change Invoice.



Columns displayed are:


Inv # - Invoice number

Cust # - Customer number

Ship-To Company - Ship to address

Stop # - Assigned stop number

Prt Status - The print status column will display a letter and a number.

a.Column 1 Value to indicate if the invoice has been printed: P for Printed and N for Not Printed.

b.Column 2 contains the numeric value for how many times has the invoice been printed.

Pieces - The total piece count for the invoice is displayed in the pieces field.

Wgt - The total weight count for the invoice is displayed in the weight field.


Cubes - The total cubes count for the invoice is displayed in the cubes field.

Inv Total  - The total due on the invoice.