Many distributors sell catchweight or random weight items. When these items are sold the shipping weight for each unit needs to be entered into the entrée invoicing system to calculate the extended amount of the line item.


The entrée invoicing system offers many different options for entering the weights into the system. This section, however, will focus mainly on entering weights from within the entrée invoicing system.


Weights can be entered using the Enter Weights utility located on the invoicing menu.


Weights can be scanned into the system using the entrée.UPC add on module.


A total shipping weight for the line item can be entered directly on the line item grid if system option # 52 is enabled.


Weight values cannot be recorded when working with Sales Orders.




When a Loading Sheet is printed, entrée will draw the proper number of lines beneath each catchweight item for your warehouse personnel to record each weight.


When the invoice is printed, besides printing the total weight, entrée will list each individual catchweight. This feature can be turned off by enabling System Option # 26.



See the Invoicing Overview section for information about the relationship between the calculation and storage of weights and counts here, System Option #107 and the Assign Routes utility.



The entrée.UPC system can save your office and warehouse staff a great deal of time. entrée.UPC is available as an add-on to the entrée system. The entrée.UPC system will further automate the process of collecting catchweights. With this system if your catchweight items have barcodes, entrée.UPC can scan the weights directly off the case. Imagine never having to record another catchweight, which also would free up your office staff from entering each weight into the computer. entrée.UPC can be programmed to read the weight on any barcode label for practically any of your suppliers (ex. IBP, Excel, etc.). It can even read labels that you produce yourself. Once the barcodes are scanned the invoice can be printed immediately, showing each individual catchweight. entrée.UPC uses radio frequency equipment by Symbol Technologies, the largest supplier of barcode equipment in the world, so there are no wires to tie you down.


NECS designed our entrée.UPC software to bring the power of bar codes to your food service operation. The cost savings that entrée.UPC will bring you in the form of a reduced warehouse and office staff, speed and accuracy, will pay for itself in a very short time. NECS customers who have upgraded their warehouse operations to bar code scanning, would never think of running their warehouse any other way.


The entrée.UPC system will organize and streamline three key areas of your warehouse management:


1.Receiving of Inventory

2.Picking and Loading Customer Invoices

3.Physical Inventory

It operates with WIFI based, wireless hand-held computers running Windows Mobile 5 or later.

For more information about entrée.UPC please visit