The item information area is used to specify what product will be returned. When the inventory returns utility is first opened, all fields except for Item # will be disabled. After entering a valid item number, key information about the item will be displayed in the item information area.


Item #

Enter the item number of the product to return in this field and press the Enter key. If the item number is not known click the search button to invoke the Inventory Search screen.



This read-only field displays the item's unit of measure as defined in the inventory file.



This read-only field displays the item's description as defined in the inventory file.


On Hand Qty

This read-only field displays the item's current on hand quantity, as defined in the inventory file.


On Hand Wgt

This read-only field displays the item's current on hand weight, as defined in the inventory file.


Constant Weight

This read-only field displays the item's constant weight, as defined in the inventory file.


Piece per Case

This read-only field displays the number of pieces or sub-units contained in item, as defined in the inventory file.


Track by Lot

This read-only field indicates if the item is a lot-based item.


The Lot Number field, in the Return Information area, will only be enabled for items that are tracked by lot.

entrée requires a lot number to be entered when returning items that are tracked by lot.



Price by Weight

This field indicates if the item is sold on a per pound basis.