The lot information areas are used to specify key lot information pertaining to the inventory transfer. This section will highlight the fields in the lot information areas.


In the Transfer From area, users will be required to enter the lot number to transfer from for all items that are tracked by lot. If the item being transferred from is not a lot based item, the lot information area will be disabled.


In the Transfer To area, users will be required to enter the lot number to transfer the product into, if the transfer to item is tracked by lot. If the item that is being transferred into is not a lot based item, the lot information area will be disabled.


Lot Number

This field is used to specify the lot number for the item being transferred to/from. If the lot number is not known, the Lots Search screen can be invoked by clicking the search button.


When transferring into a lot based item, entering a lot number that does not already exist will result in a new lot being created. The words New Lot will be displayed next to the lot number field in these instances.



The location field is used to specify which lot warehouse location the item will be stored in.


Editing of the value displayed in this field will only be available for the Transfer To area.

entrée does not require a location to be entered for lot based items.        

The lot location can be utilized when printing many of the lot based reports as well as the pick list report.



This field is used to attach a reference to the lot being transferred.


Editing of the value displayed in this field will only be available for the Transfer To area.

Up to 20 characters may be entered for the reference.

The reference can be optionally printed on many of the lot based inventory reports.


Lot Cost

This field is used to view/edit the real cost of lot based items that are being transferred.


Editing of the value displayed in this field will only be available for the Transfer To area.

entrée will load the real cost of the item, as defined in the lot file as a default value for this field.

If the value of the lot cost differs from the value of the real cost of the item as defined in the inventory file, the user will have the option of invoking the Cost/Price Update utility by enabling the Update Inventory Cost option.


Lot Qty

This read-only field displays the current on hand quantity of the lot.


Lot Wgt

This read-only field displays the current on hand weight of the lot.