The entrée purchasing system allows for miscellaneous information to be attached to the purchase order by clicking the Miscellaneous... button to open the Edit P.O. Miscellaneous dialog.


This section will detail each of the fields contained in the Edit P.O. Miscellaneous dialog.


When finished editing click the OK button to save the changes or the Cancel button to discard them.



Ship Via

Specify how the product is being shipped in this field. Typical values are Delivered, Our Truck, & Pickup. The value of this field will be printed on the purchase order.



FOB Point

Enter the "Freight On Board" location for this supplier in this field. The value of this field will be printed on the purchase order.


Print P.O.

If this option is not enabled, the purchase order will be marked as not needing a hard copy of the purchase order. NECS recommends leaving this option enabled (default).


Confirming To

This field may be used to specify the person's name that will confirm the purchase order has been in fact received. The value of this field will be printed on the purchase order.


Buyer Code

This field is used to identify the person that created the purchase order and defaults to the Buyer Code that was assigned to the vendor in Vendor Maintenance. The buyer code does not print on the purchase order.




If Print P.O. option is not enabled, printing the purchase order from the Print Purchase Order utility will simulate the print process, but a physical document will not be printed.