Formerly called the "Remote Order Entry Tab" and earlier called the "Laptop Tab", it was renamed in version 3.6.17 to represent the downstream DSR system that it supports.


The DSR Tab configures features and data that will be available to the salesperson if they are using the entrée.DSR laptop add-on module.


If the salesperson is not using the entrée.DSR add-on module this tab can be ignored.



General Options Section

The new General Options section has two new options, "Receives data for ALL salespersons" and "Include data from Salesperson".


The General options section should be updated for each member of your sales department that will be providing overlapping customer coverage and support for other members of your sales department.


By default, the salesperson will only receive customer information for accounts assigned to the salesperson in the customer file AND house accounts (Customers that are not assigned to any salesperson).


Receives data for ALL salespersons Option


This option is not checked by default and disabled.

To activate the option it must be checked.

Enabling this option will disable the Include data from Salesperson option.


When checked, the salesperson will receive data for all customer accounts, regardless of who they are assigned to.


Include data from Salesperson Option


To add salespeople to an Include data from Salesperson field follow these steps:

1.First uncheck the "Receives data for ALL salespersons" option above it.

2.Click the magnifying glass to open the Salesperson Search dialog.

3.A list of the salespeople in the system will be displayed.

4.One at a time select the desired salesperson, click OK to add them to the screen.


5. Once you are done adding salespeople click Apply then OK to save your changes in entrée.


Laptop Data Section

This is the section where you can configure which customer data the salesperson will receive when synchronizing their entrée.DSR data files with the main entrée system.



Data Directory - This is the path to the exchange directory for the entrée.DSR system.


Click the Browse button to navigate to the salesperson data directory.

You will be unable to perform a data exchange until a valid path is entered here.

Any salesperson with a data directory defined will use 1 of your DSR laptop licenses.


Options List

The salesperson options list is similar to password maintenance of the main entrée system. The salesperson options section allows you to select and configure what information can be downloaded by the salesperson when connecting to the entrée Host application.


Check  the option to enable it for that salesperson.