Workstation settings are provided to instruct each workstation how to communicate with the entrée faxing system. This section will detail each of the fields in the workstation settings area.


Default Fax Device

This field is used to specify the modem that will be used when faxing from the current workstation.


The modem must be installed and configured for use within Windows, before it will appear in this field.



Modem Initialization String

If the modem specified by the Default Fax Device field requires an initialization string, enter it in this field. More information on the modem initialization string can be found in the documentation that came with the modem.


Connect time

Enter the number of seconds that the fax system should attempt to establish a connection to the remote fax machine in this field. If a connection is not made within the specified time the attempt will fail.


Retry count

Enter the total number of times the fax system should attempt to connect to the remote fax machine in this field. If a connection cannot be established within the specified number of retries, the fax job will be aborted.


Time between tries

Enter the amount of time, in seconds, that entrée should wait before attempting a redial to establish a connection to the remote fax device.


Max Baud Rate

Enter the maximum baud rate of the fax device in this field. The baud rate determines how quickly the data can be transferred once a connection has been established. More information on the maximum baud rate of the modem can be found in the documentation that came with the modem.


Fax Class

This field is used to specify the class of the Default Fax Device.

Select the desired class by clicking the drop down button and selecting it from the list.

NECS recommends setting this field to Auto-Detect.

For more information on the fax class of the modem consult the documentation that came with the modem.


Use cover sheet?

Enable this option if a cover sheet should always be sent when using the entrée faxing module. If this option is enabled, enter the path to the file containing the desired fax cover sheet in the File field.


Default "From" text

Enter the name that should be inserted in the From field of the fax cover sheet in this field. Typically this would be the name of the person that uses the workstation or the distributor name.


Max. disk usage (MB)

Enter the maximum amount of space, in megabytes, that should be used to store archive copies of sent faxes in this field.