The entrée system allows for level pricing to automatically be rounded to a denomination specified by the Rounding Level field.


The available options are <none>, to nearest, or to next, which may be selected by clicking the drop down button and selecting the desired value from the list.



No rounding is applied to the level price that was calculated using the specified Formula. In addition the Rounding Level field will also become disabled.


to nearest

Select this option to round the level price, calculated by the specified formula, up or down to the value specified by the rounding level field.



The exact numeric breakpoint that determines whether the level price is rounded up or down depends on the denomination that is being rounded to. It general terms it is half of the specified rounding level.


Rounding Level       Round down point      Round up point

 Penny             10.154 = 10.15       10.155 = 10.16

 Nickel            10.124 = 10.10       10.125 = 10.15

 Dime              10.444 = 10.40       10.445 = 10.50

 Quarter           10.124 = 10.00       10.125 = 10.25



to next

Select this option to always round the level price, calculated by the specified formula, up to the value specified by the rounding level field.



Rounding Level       Calculated price     Rounded price

 Penny                 10.0001             10.01

 Nickel                10.0001             10.05

 Dime                  10.0001             10.10

 Quarter               10.0001             10.25