Mod #1411 Allow Inactive Items to be Reset to Active

In Receive by PO allow inactive items to be reset to active items.

The Active Items dialog will allow users to select what items will be reset to active.



V4.6 Updated the modification description. "This modification will open up a dialog to activate inactive items while receiving the PO. Each inactive item will be displayed with it’s information as well as a check box to make the item active after receiving the PO."

V4.1.4 Revised Mod #1411 so that when Mod #1040 Selling UOM Feature is active the process of reactivating an item will reactivate any associated "piece" items.

Instead of updating the "Inactive" status of every item on the Purchase Order Mod #1411 will only update those items which have been changed and their associated "piece" items when Mod #1040 Selling UOM Feature is active.

Items whose "Inactive" status has not been changed will not be updated by this process.