Mod #462 Leaker Allowance Modifications

Extend the operation of Modification #382 so that the "Leaker Allowance" message, which appears on the printed invoice, will generate a second line of output showing the "net unit price" of the item after application of the allowance.



Extended the changes associated with this modification to change the calculation of the allowance amount so that it is calculated from the gross Extended Amount of the item, before any adjustments of any kind have been applied. Previously the allowance wasn't calculated until after any applicable Sales Discount had been deducted.


Further extended the changes associated with this modification to adjust the printed output so that the "Leaker Allowance" message will appear before any applicable promotions and that the "Net Cost" line will appear after any applicable promotions.


Extended the changes associated with this modification to adjust the printed output so that the "Leaker Allowance" is factored into the "Unit Price" and "Extended Amount" values shown for affected items. Any applicable promotion amount will be shown separately followed by a "Net Cost" line. In the footer area, the customer signature line has been replaced with a "total Leaker Allowance" line.