The purpose of the “Prospects Manager” is to provide day to day oversight of the assignment and conversion of prospects accounts and processing of price quotes. A common set of tools is provided for both managers and salespeople to prepare quotes for prospects or potential customers. When our System Administrator designates a member of our staff as a Prospects Manager a new username and password will be assigned to you specifically for this role.


Two new tabs have been added to the entrée.NET menu to support this feature; Prospects and Reports. The Prospects tab is where you will create and manage prospect accounts. You will also have the ability to assign salespeople to specific prospect accounts. You can create and review all the prospect guides being used for price quotes. The Reports tab contains two new reports created to support prospect management, the “Prospect Listing” and “Prospect Guide”.


Prospects need to be managed in order to grow our base of regular customers. There is a process to convert a prospect account to a regular customer account. Any salesperson can initiate this conversion process, but conversion to a customer account can only be completed by the Prospects Manager or the System Administrator. This conversion process will be discussed in more detail later in this chapter.


Note - Y  Orders cannot be placed for prospects and they are not included in your customer listing. Each prospect has a “Status” associated with them to indicate their current position in the prospect to customer conversion chain. These statuses are:



Initial state indicating that this is an active prospect.


Indicates that this prospect is ready to be converted into a customer.

In Process

Indicates that the conversion to a customer is in process and pending confirmation from the main system.


Indicates that the prospect has been converted to a customer.