Once you have displayed some payables, you can approve them. When a payable is approved, the sum of the Approved Payment, Approved Discount, and Approved Adjust amounts comprise the approved amounts.
•A fully approved payable is one where the approved amounts and Previous Payments equals the Total Invoice of the payable.
•A partially approved payable is one where the approved amounts and Previous Payments is less than the Total Invoice amount of the payable.
•A newly created payable has an "Open Amt" equal to the "Total Invoice" amount, and a Prev Payments amount of zero.
After a payable has been approved, and a check has been printed for the payable, the sum of the approved amounts are added to the previous payment amount.
When you partially approve a payable and print a check for that payable, the approved amounts will accumulate as previous payments. When the previous payments equal the payable amount, the payable is closed. The Approve Payables window does not display closed payables, since closed payables cannot be approved.
If a payable is not closed then it is open. That is, an open payable is a payable that has had no previous payments made against it. The Approve Payables window only displays open payables. To change the approved amounts, you can use one of the following commands.
Keyboard Scroll to the payable and press the Enter.
Context Menu Double left click the payable.
You can then modify the approved amounts. After you are done modifying the approved adjustment amount, hit the Enter or Tab key, and the amounts will be validated. If the amounts are valid, the next payable in the grid will be highlighted. You will be warned if the amounts are invalid, and you will be required to enter valid amounts.
When you utilize the "Full Approve Payable" button or the "Fully Approve All Payables" the approved amounts will be based upon the "Open Amt" and the "Prev Payments" amount. entrée will approve the payable for the maximum amount available.
•If no previous payments have been made, then the approved amounts will be
Appr Payment = Open Amt - Apr Discount
Appr Discount = discount calculated when the invoice was created
Appr Adjust = 0
•If previous payments have been made, then the approved amounts will be
Appr Payment = Open Amt
Appr Discount = 0
Appr Adjust = 0
The easiest way to approve a large number of payables is to use "Fully Approve All Payables" button. After all the payables have been fully approved and selected, you can deselect those payables whose changes you do not want to apply to the file or modify individual payables.
Alternatively, you can use the "Fully Approve Payable" button to fully approve individual payables, and use the down arrow key to skip those payables that you don't want to approve.