Fully Approve Payable  

Clicking the "Fully Approve Payable" button will fully approve the payable currently highlighted in the grid, and select it for file update. The next payable in the grid will then be highlighted.


Fully Approve All Payables

Clicking the "Fully Approve All Payables" button will fully approve all the payables in the grid, and select all of them for file update.  



Click to deny approval for the payable currently highlighted in the grid.



Clicking the "OK" button will save any pending changes to the invoice file and close the Approve Payables window. You will be taken back to the Main Menu after clicking this button.



Clicking the "Cancel" button will discard any pending changes to the invoice file.



Clicking the "Close" button will close the Approve Payables window. You will be taken back to the Main Menu after clicking this button.



Clicking the "Apply" button will save any pending changes to the invoice file. This button is useful if you want to save pending changes, but not exit out of the Approve Payables window.