The Query section allows you to constrain your search for recurring entries that meet a certain criteria. All the fields except Due Date and Priority may be left blank. After you have entered you're criteria, you can start the search in one of two ways:


Keyboard                If any of the Query controls is highlighted, simply hit the Enter key.        

Button                        Press the "Go" button.        


Due Date        

Allows a search for those entries whose due date is less than or equal to this date. This date is also used to compute the number of payables that will be generated for a given entry. This field is required.



This is the priority of the entry. Click the drop-down menu button to choose a priority. This field is required.

2 - 9: The numeric ranking system allows you to prioritize your vendors using a number between 2 through nine. The number 2 signifies the highest priority and the number nine signifies the lowest.

Hold: Some circumstances may warrant holding payments for a vendor. For instance, you may have billing questions, or the quality of the last delivery may not have been up to standard. If this is the case, you can choose Hold from the list. This will prevent invoices from being approved for payment as well as the creation of any checks for this vendor unless you change the priority.

Manual Check: Choose Manual Check if you do not wish the accounts payable system to print a check for this vendor. For instance, you may pay this vendor from an account that is not defined in the accounts payable system and you have to write out a check for them.

Non Check: Choose Non Check if you do not pay this vendor with a check. For instance, you may pay with cash or you may wire transfer monies into the vendor's bank account.


Checking Account

This is the checking account for the payable. You can click the Search button or hit the F5 key to bring up the Checking Account search screen, and from there you can pick the checking account you want to use. This field will default to the checking account you assigned as the default checking account in Company Maintenance. This field may be left blank.



Enter a vendor in this field. Any vendor entered must exist on the vendor file. Enter up to six characters for the vendor, or you can click the Search button or hit the F5 key to bring up the Vendor search screen. This field may be left blank.


Start Payable Number

Enter an entry in this field. Enter up to six characters for the vendor, or you can click the Search button or hit the F5 key to bring up the entry search screen. This field may be left blank.


End Payable Number

Enter a vendor in this field. Enter up to six characters for the vendor, or you can click the Search button or hit the F5 key to bring up the entry search screen. This field may be left blank.


Go Button

Clicking the "Go" button start the search for payables.