With entrée version 4 SQL came the addition of the Dashboards and this feature is available in the Salesperson / Broker file.


Dashboards are the ultimate tool for organizing and analyzing your business data. It provides a highly flexible means for a food distributor and a Salesperson to analyze and grasp trends from the mountains of complex data which is normally lost by simply printing reports. The dashboards allow you to visualize your data by summarizing into different charting diagram styles including: pie charts, line charts, bar charts and area charts.


See the chapter covering the Dashboards Feature for more detailed information about the use of this powerful tool.


Click the Dashboards button to access the Dashboards for the Salesperson / Broker available in the drop down menu are:

Sales, Sales By Item and Compare Sales By Years.


Salesperson / Broker Window Buttons


Add - Click this button to insert a new salesperson into the salesperson file.

Delete - Click this button to delete the currently loaded salesperson from the salesperson file.

OK - Click this button to close the salesperson file maintenance window and return to the main menu. Any pending changes for the currently loaded salesperson will be saved when the OK button is clicked.

Cancel - Click this button to close the salesperson file maintenance window and return to the entrée main menu. Any pending changes for the currently loaded salesperson will be discarded when the Cancel button is clicked.

Apply - Click this button to save any pending changes for the currently loaded salesperson. Use the Apply button to save changes without closing the salesperson file maintenance window.