Inventory Trim Cost Feature

This new mainstream feature has been implemented to provide you with a more accurate way to show costs and generate prices for trimmed items. This feature will alter the calculation of Landed Cost and make changes to Invoicing to add support for recording the Trim Cost values along with the other cost values.


The feature is activated when you enter a Trim Yield % number in the Processing Trim Costs area of the Cost/Price Tab in the Inventory File.

Enter a number for Trim Credit if needed for the specific item. This value will reduce the cost of the trimmed item if the trimmings themselves are sale-able items.

The system will use these calculations to update the Landed Cost on the item:

Trim Yield Cost = (Real Unit Cost / Trim Yield %)

Landed Cost = (Trim Yield Cost - Trim Credit) + Freight Rate


* See the Inventory File Cost/Price Tab topic for more details about this use of this new feature.


The Trim Cost feature is also in the Cost Price Utility to facilitate updates.


Kits Tab Trim Cost Option

When you have an item that you have applied the Trim Cost Feature calculations to and do not want those calculations applied to any kits the item is a part of, check the Use 'Real Cost' instead of 'Trim Cost' (where applicable) option on the Kits Tab.