Conversion to Customer

When a prospect is ready to become a live customer account follow these steps to start the conversion process:


1. Tap the prospect in the Home tab to open the prospect in the General tab.

2. Now tap the Ready to Convert check mark and it will turn blue.

3. Tap Yes in the Mark Prospect For confirmation dialog box.



4. The status of the prospect will now change to 'Pending'. At this point you will not be allowed to make any additional changes to the prospect. Now only the 'Prospects Manager', via the entrée.NET Administrator area, can change the prospect information and prospect guide.


5. The Prospects Manager will complete the simple process to convert prospects to a live customer account, with these options:


Assign a live customer number.

Create a Standard Order with Items from the Prospect Guide.

Import Prices from the Prospect Guide as the Customer's Special Price.