Edit Item Description

Editing Description Lines 1 - 4

You have the ability to edit description lines 1 - 4 for an item while creating an order.


Tap the item's Description field to bring up the Description Edit dialog box. Now modify any of the four description lines to be displayed on the invoice and loading sheet (requires entrée version 3.6.6 or later).


Tap the Go button Go-button to save the description and move to the next editable field.

Tap the circled "x" CircleX-icon in the upper right corner to remove a description line.

Tap the "<" button LeftArrow-button to go back to a previous field in the order.


Note - Y This feature must be enabled by the System Administrator in entrée.NET by setting the "Allow salespeople to edit item Description Lines 1-4" system option to "Yes" in the Settings tab Options section.



See the entrée.NET Options chapter for more information.
