Number Touch Keypad Tools

The same tools will be available in the number touch keypad in many EWM screens.





Enter - The green left arrow key saves the current value and move the cursor to the next red box or back to the item list.


Clear - Resets the value to zeros.

Lsheet-print-one-label-button2 Print Item Label - Tap to print one label for the currently selected case or item.

Lsheet-print-one-label-each-button2 Print Case Labels - Tap to print one label for each case on the line item.

Lsheet-keypad-scale-button Scale Weight  - Captures weight for Catchweight / LB. items from a Bluetooth Scale.


Lsheet-keypad-NOscale-button Scale Disabled  - When no Bluetooth Scale is enabled the button will be .

Lsheet-Sub-button Substitute Item - Tap to open the Item Substitution dialog.

This tool is used to replace an item in the order with a defined substitute in the main entrée system Inventory File Maintenance or enter an item number to manually provide a substitute item.


See the Item Substitution to find out how it works and permissions that are required.  


See Add Substitute Items in entrée to learn how to add substitute items to a line item in the entrée Inventory File.