Use this option to specify whether products should be ordered from all vendors or a specific batch of vendors. If the batch method is selected a dialog allowing you to specify which vendors should be reviewed will be presented after the Continue button is clicked.



APO Weeks

In addition to specifying which vendors should be ordered from, you can also override the default value for the APO weeks by typing in a value on the APO weeks column. This lets you quickly and easily widen (or narrow) the "window" in which orders are generated.


Changing this value doesn't change the quantity of the order. It only affects the decision about whether or not the item is going to be ordered.


Leaving this entry at zero tells the system to use the value from the inventory file.


After this run of purchase orders, the entered value is discarded.




If you run a "batch" of vendors using a shorter than usual averaging period (in order to eliminate a holiday sales peak on a specific group of items) and then you run "All" vendors with your usual (longer) averaging period, the system may order incorrect quantities.  


The reason is that the system is programmed to review each item every time it is run to make sure no item is overlooked. Changing the option settings also changes the order calculations. The result may be that the system will order additional quantities of the same items because the Average Sales figure is higher now. You must monitor this type of situation carefully.