Setting up a Per Pound Item (Pulled from a Case)

If your needs include breaking a case to into individual pounds you can define a per pound item. This feature has been especially useful to food service distributors dealing with produce.


Set up a per pound item as you would any other with the exception of the following:


1.The Unit of Measure field must be set to LB. (be sure to include the period at the end)


2.The Pieces per Case field must be set to 1.


3.The Constant Weight must be set to 0.


4.The Price by Weight option must be enabled.


5.The Case Item Number must be set to the Item Number of the master case item.


6.The Piece Item Number field must be left blank (no value).


The following changes must be made to the CASE item.


1.The Pieces per Case field must be set to 1.


2.The Constant Weight must be set to the weight of the CASE item.



How the CASE item (top) and the LB. item (bottom) should be set up for a per pound item pulled from a case.