entrée can be configured to automatically add an upcharge to items that are pulled out of a master case item.


Enter the dollar amount that should be added to the selling price of this item when it is sold as a broken case item.


The broken case upcharge field can be defined for items with a unit of measure set to PC..


The broken case upcharge feature can also be used for LB. items and items that are priced by weight.





When an item has a broken case up-charge defined the selling price is calculated by dividing the sell price of the case item by the number of units it contains to get the per unit price. The up-charge is then added to the per unit price, which becomes the final selling price to the customer.


Per CASE        # of units    Per unit   Broken Case   Final selling

Sell Price        per CASE      price      Upcharge         price


   $ 10.00                 4          $ 2.50            $ 0.25            $ 2.75

   $ 18.00                 6          $ 3.00            $ 0.50            $ 3.50

   $ 30.00                 5          $ 6.00            $ 1.25            $ 7.25