The Price Level grid is used to maintain the level pricing of each item.


A user's ability to modify values in the price level grid can be restricted by disabling the Edit Pricing in Inventory File Maintenance password option for their user account.



The Pricing Setup tab of System Preferences is used to maintain many factors in determining how level pricing is derived.


The total number of available price levels [1..99] is set using the Number of Price Levels field on the pricing tab.


Each price level is assigned a Cost Basis [Real, Market or Base] on the pricing setup tab. The cost basis will determine which cost the level price is derived from.


Each price level is assigned a Formula [ % of Cost or % of Sell Price ] on the pricing setup tab. The formula will determine the unit price for levels that are based on a % Over Cost pricing method.


Each price level is assigned a Rounding Level [ Penny, Nickel, Dime, or Quarter ] on the pricing setup tab. The rounding level is used when calculating the unit price for the level. The unit price of the level will only be rounded for levels that are based on a % Over Cost pricing method.


Each price level is assigned a Rounding Method [ Nearest or Next ] on the pricing setup tab. The rounding method is used in conjunction with the rounding level for price levels that are based on a % Over Cost pricing method.


Each price level is assigned a Markup Percentage on the pricing setup tab. The markup percentage is only used by entrée for initializing pricing on new items. Changing the markup percentage of the price level will have no effect on any pre-existing items.