Sometimes distributors process items before they are sold. The make from feature in entrée is used for these purposes.


Make From Items allows for simple processing calculations to help control inventory automatically, which can be very useful for seafood distributors filleting fresh product.


Only items with a unit of measure set to LB. can be designated as a make from item.


The "Make From" feature blocks any inventory changes once the invoice has been printed.


In version 3.6.13 the Make From feature was updated to record entries in the Physical Movements file. Now the transaction data will show the "made" product coming into the item's inventory and then being applied to the invoice.


Options that impact the Make From Items feature

System Option # 76 - "Use Weight Shipped for Make Froms"

System Mod # 1041 - Changes the operation of the "Make From" feature in entrée to allow any inventory item to be linked to any other inventory item, removing the LB. item restriction. Refer to the online entrée Modifications Catalog at in the NECS website for more information about this and other system modifications.




If more complex processing needs are required, entrée also allows for the definition of Kit items. When defining a kit item, each of the ingredients as well as the respective quantities used to make the finished product is entered into the entrée system.