When a processed item is sold, the proper amount of inventory is deducted from the make from item. In fact the processed item will always have an on hand weight of zero.


The total amount of weight to deduct from the master item is determined by the value defined in this field using the following formula:


(100 / Yield %) * Weight Ordered = Total Weight




Suppose a customer ordered 20 pounds of flounder fillets and the Yield % of the make from item was 82.


  100 / Yield % (82) = 1.21

 1.21 * Weight  (20) = 24.39 pounds would be deducted from inventory.



The base cost of the processed item can be automatically calculated using the base cost of the make from item by enabling system option # 69. When this feature is used the base cost is derived using the following formula:


( Make from real cost + Make from freight ) / ( Yield % / 100 ) = Processed item base cost





If the weight to deduct from the master item should be calculated using the quantity shipped instead of the quantity ordered enable system option 76.