The cost of a kit item is calculated by adding the cost of each ingredient that makes up the kit item. entrée can automatically update the cost of the kit item when the cost of one of the ingredients changes.


Special Conditions

During the receiving process, if an item has a cost change the user will be prompted as to how the item cost should be updated.


When the cost of an item changes in the receiving Item Cost/Price Update dialog you can use the Update pricing on Kits using this item option in the Cost Change Application area. If the user chooses not to update the kit pricing, any kit items that use the received item as one of the ingredients will not have the cost values automatically updated.



On the Kits Tab the cost of all ingredient items can be manually updated at any time by clicking the Update All button, which is located just below the ingredient grid on the Kits tab.


A single ingredient can be manually updated at any time by first selecting the item to update in the ingredients grid and then clicking the Update #xxxxx button below the ingredient grid on the Kits tab.




Copy Item button to Copy Kit Ingredients List

Support has been added to entrée so you can use the Copy Item button to copy the entire ingredient list from a Kit item in the Inventory File Kits tab to make a new item.



1.Once the Copy Item button is clicked the new item dialog opens with all the copied information in it.

2.Now assign a new item number.

3.Edit the information about the new item.

4.Click Apply then OK to save the new item it created from the copy.

5.Click Cancel to abandon creation of the new item.