These fields are provided to enter different order quantities for the customer depending on which day of the week the invoice date falls on.


When creating invoices using the Standard Order edit mode or Auto Generating Orders, entrée will automatically fill in the quantity ordered with the Daily Order Quantity for the day the invoice date falls on, providing it is not 0.


Leaving these fields set to 0 will still include it while generating invoices using the Standard Order edit mode, but it will be up to the order entry person to type in the quantity.




A customer has a Standard Order Qty for homogenized milk set to 4 cases. The customer also has the following Daily Order Quantities defined.


   Monday   Tuesday   Wednesday   Thursday   Friday   Saturday   Sunday

      5         0          3           0        7         0         0


If the customer was to order on any day where the quantity was 0, entrée would reference the Standard Order quantity and place 4 cases on the invoice.