Map the following network drives for all workstations and your file server to the newly created shared resources.  




NECS highly recommends using the drive letters below for standardization purposes.



1.Map drive letter W to the directory the FPUpdate Utility is to be installed in.


If you chose the recommended share name the resource would be listed as


\\My File server's name\entree  -   This is also known as the network share name of the resource.


2.Map drive letter N to the directory your company's data files are to be installed in.


If you chose the recommended share name the resource would be listed as


\\My File server's name\NECS  


You will be asked to specify the "Network share name for drive N:" at various points in the entrée installation.  It is recommended that you record the actual network share name, from step 2, in the space provided below so that you may refer back to it as needed.


The network share name for Drive N: is \\____________________\___________________________