This column displays the shipping weight of the item.


This column is displayed only if the edit mode is set to Invoice.


If the item's unit of measure is set to LB., enter the actual weight you are shipping to the customer in this field.


If the item has a constant weight defined, entrée will use that value to determine the total shipping weight for the item and display that value in this field. The shipping weight value would be read only under these circumstances.


If the item is a catchweight item, this column will display the total of all of the entered catchweights. If one or more of the catchweights have not yet been entered the word Incomplete will be displayed in this column.


If system option # 52 is enabled you may enter the total shipping weight for a catchweight item directly in the item grid. Keep in mind however, if only the total weight is entered, catchweight detail information cannot be printed on the invoice.


The Ship Wgt column is not displayed when working with Credit Memos or Sales Orders.