The following chart shows the order of precedence of all the pricing methods available in entrée.


Type of Pricing


1.Bid Pricing


Bid pricing takes precedence over all other types of pricing in entrée. Bid pricing is a type of special pricing that is used to maintain a contract price for a user defined date range.  

2.Group Code Pricing

Group code pricing will adjust the level price of an item, based on the items group code. If the ship to customer has group pricing defined for the item's group code it will be used.

3a.Sale Pricing

If a customer does not qualify for Bid or Group pricing, entrée will look for a sale price. If a sale price is found, entrée then scans for a special price. If a special price is found the customer will receive whichever price is lower. If no special price is found the customer will receive the sale price.

3b.Special Pricing

Special Pricing can be based on a percentage or dollar amount over cost, for each item the customer purchases. entrée will search for a valid special price if no Bid or Group pricing exists for the item


The next section describes how entrée determines special pricing.

4.Future Pricing

If the ship to customer does not qualify for Bid, Group, or Special pricing, entrée will search the future price file for the new price of the item. If a future price is found, that is the price that will be used. In Future Prices if a Future Minimum Selling Price is defined it will be applied.


entrée only searches the future price file if system option #50 is enabled.

5.Price Matrix

The price matrix is a complex grid based pricing system. The percentage over cost is determined by the intersection of the items matrix code and the ship to customer's matrix code.


Customer matrix codes are defined on the Miscellaneous tab of Customer File Maintenance.

Item matrix codes are defined on the Cost/Price tab of Inventory File Maintenance.

The price matrix and the percentage over cost values are defined using the Price Matrix utility located on the Cost/Price Utilities menu.

6.Broken Case Upcharge

The broken case upcharge applies to PC. items only. First, entrée will determine the selling price of the linked CASE item and divide it by the total number of units in the CASE to determine the per piece price. entrée then adds the items Broken Case Up charge value to the per piece price to determine the selling price.


Due to the nature of how the broken case up charge works, you cannot use it for items that are sold by the pound.

7.Level Pricing

Level pricing is the most commonly used form of pricing in entrée.


Level pricing for each item is defined on the Cost/Price tab of Inventory File Maintenance.

The default price level of the ship to customer is defined in the header area of Customer File Maintenance.

If the ship to customer does not have a price level defined entrée will use level 1 pricing for that customer.