The top of the assign lots window contains item information from the invoice ensuring you that you are working with the correct item. All of the fields displayed in the item information area are read-only and cannot be edited.



This field displays the item number and description as it appears in the inventory file. Edited item descriptions will not be displayed in this field.




This field displays the items unit of measure as defined in the inventory file.


Quantity Ordered


This field displays the ordered quantity as defined on the invoice.


If this quantity is incorrect click the Cancel button at the bottom of the assign lots window to return to the invoicing window. Edit the items quantity ordered value and then return to the assign lots window.


Quantity Filled


This field displays the quantity that has already been filled by assigning lots.



Balance to Fill


This field displays the quantity remaining to be filled. It represents the quantity ordered minus the quantity filled.


The value in this field will be highlighted in red if the quantity assigned is less than the quantity ordered.

The value in this field will be highlighted in green if the quantity assigned is greater than or equal to the quantity ordered.