The lots information area contains important information about the currently selected lot.


There are 2 lot information areas. One is displayed below the available lots grid and the other is below the assigned lots grid.

The fields in the lot information areas are read-only and cannot be edited.

The information displayed pertains to the currently selected lot in the corresponding lot grid.

If a lot item is being printed on the invoice that does not have a lot-specific Warehouse Location assigned, the invoice document line item will be printed using the Warehouse Location of the item itself.



This field displays the warehouse location of the selected lot.




This field displays the vendor number, of the vendor, the lot was purchased from. If the product was not received by purchase order this field will be blank.


P.O. #


This field displays the purchase order number the lot was ordered on.




This field displays the real cost of the lot per item.




This field also displays the lot reference.


Hold Cust


If this lot were being held for a particular customer that customer number would be displayed in this field.


Hold Price


This field contains the quoted price for the hold customer (above).


Hold Date


This field displays the date the "hold" will expire for the lot.