The general information section of the user properties dialog is used to modify the information that was entered when the user account was created.


User name

This field will display the user name assigned to the user account that is being edited.


If you wish to change the user name for the account, click the Edit button. This will place the cursor inside of the user name field and allow you to change the value. User names can be up to 15 characters in length.


When the user name is changed, the new name will be checked to ensure a duplicate user does not already exist. (Advanced mode only)



Optionally enter up to 50 characters to describe the user account in this field.


Full name

The user's full name may be optionally entered in this field.


Up to 30 characters may be used for the employees full name.

The full name of the user account may be printed on many reports.

The full name of the user will also be attached as the "From" identity when sending an email.


Order taker code

Optionally enter up to 2 characters in this field.


This field is provided for backwards compatibility and has been replaced by the user name and full name in most areas of the entrée system.

The order taker code may still be printed on many of the reports.


Picker Code

Optionally enter up to 2 characters in this field.

This field is used with the Electronic Warehouse Manager add-on module if you have purchased and installed it. See the EWM Additional Features "Allow user to change the Picker Code saved to the invoice" option in System Preferences to learn more. This system option controls whether or not the EWM operator is allowed to update the Picker Code in the event that the assigned Picker can not perform the job.



Credit Manager / Credit Supervisor

The operation of the Credit Hold feature of invoicing relies on individual user accounts being designated as either a Credit Manager or a Credit Supervisor. For each person that you wish to designate as a "Credit Manager" you would open their user account in the Security Manager and select whichever option is appropriate. (You may select both options but, in that case, the person will be designated as a Supervisor.)



Enter up to 15 characters for the user's password in this field.


The user must provide this password to gain access to the entrée system.

All passwords are encrypted prior to being saved to the database for maximum security.

The password is not case sensitive when using simple mode.


Confirm Password

Enter the identical value that was entered in the password field in this field. This is to ensure the password was typed correctly.


Account is disabled

Enable this option to disable the user account.


User accounts that are disabled are not allowed access to the entrée system. If a user attempts to login to the system with a disabled user account the Invalid Login error message box will display "The specified account has been disabled." Click OK to close the message. Contact your entrée System Administrator to resolve your user account problem.



Password Validation

After the OK button is clicked, the SMS will verify that the password is valid. If any of the validation checks fail, the user account will not be saved and the Properties dialog will not be closed. The following details each validation that is performed and the associated error message if the check fails.


The values entered in the Password and the Confirm Password fields must match.

The value entered in the password field must be unique. (Simple mode only)