GL customer link codes allows for AR postings related to specific customers to be posted to alternate general ledger accounts.These accounts include Accounts Receivable, Cash Receipts, and Sales discounts.


The link code lets you override the normal accounts receivable, cash receipts, and sales discount codes. This feature is useful if you want to put a customer's cash receipts into a different category, or discounts into a different GL code.



This section will detail how to define customer link code accounts. After link code accounts have been defined, the customer link code must be assigned to the appropriate customer(s) on the Miscellaneous tab of Customer Maintenance.


Assigning link code accounts to the Account's Receivable, Cash Receipts, and Sales Discount fields is optional.

The same GL account may be assigned to more than one field.

If the entrée.GL add-on module is installed, the account entered must be defined in the GL chart of accounts.

If the entrée.GL add-on module is not installed, any account may be entered.



Assume customer CUST01 has Customer Link Code 124 assigned to it.


Typically accounts receivable postings are applied to account 12000-.

However, because link code 124 redirects postings to account 12010-, all invoices created for customer CUST01 will be posted to the 12010- account.


The customer link code forces an override of the standard account assignment.



"Edit Customer Link Codes" was updated to add support for defining the links using external GL account numbers. This feature requires the entrée.QB or QuickBooks linker add-on module. entrée.QB users should reference their entrée.QB User Guide for more detailed information.