169. Accept Orders for Credit Hold Customers and Queue for Approval

Activating this option will remove the restriction in Create Invoice which would normally block the creation of an invoice for a customer who is currently on Credit Hold.


This feature allows the order to be entered into the system but flagged as being "on hold". Before the order can be processed (beyond entering items and quantities) it must be approved by someone designated as a "Credit Manager". To learn more about how to setup and use this new feature see the Credit Hold Queue Overview section.


In release 3.5.12 this option has been updated to provide a new method of notification when new Credit Hold invoices appear in the credit hold processing queue. Currently if the "Provide pop-up notification of new invoices" feature is enabled and the Queue Management dialog detects new invoices a message pops up to alert you of the change.


The latest Notification Method option is “By presenting the Queue Management dialog”. If this option is selected when new invoices are found the Credit Queue Management window will be pushed to the front. If the Queue Management dialog is already in front then the pop-up message will be presented instead. The control settings for these options and their special configuration page are accessed in the Additional Features section of System Options.