entrée.DSR Laptop Software for Remote Order Entry & more for your DSRs


The entrée.DSR software add-on module is a tried and true application which has been used for many years by food distributors DSRs (Distributor Sales Representatives) to place orders remotely, as well as other sales tools.  It is designed to run on a standard Windows based laptop computer. The purpose behind the creation of entrée.DSR, was to provide an extension of your entrée software, which would run remotely on a laptop (or even a desktop) computer to give your DSRs the tools they need, without having to be constantly connected to your company’s server.


Have questions, please contact the NECS Sales Team sales@necs.com or Toll Free: 800.766.6327.


entrée.DSR Modifications

DSR #1. Show Price Levels 1, 2 and 3 in the status area of Order Entry

Modifies the layout of the status area of the order editing dialog so that Price Level 1, Price Level 2 and Price Level 3 for the currently selected item in the edit grid will be displayed at the bottom.


DSR #2. Show Real Cost in "Status" area of the order editing dialog

Modifies the operation of the "Status" area of the order editing dialog to remove the "Base Cost" value and show "Real Cost" in its place. Note that visibility of "Real Cost" is still controlled by the appropriate System Option and Password Option settings. (Note: Since it's a minor point, these options will still read "Base Cost" even though Real Cost is what will actually be displayed.)


DSR #3. Show "Unit Price" on the Order Confirmation

Modifies the layout of the Order Confirmation to add a column to show "Unit Price".


DSR #4. Prompt to calculate new price during order entry

Modifies the process of adding new items in order entry so that, upon entering the "Unit Price" field, a dialog will pop up showing the current Base Cost of the item as well as the customer's default price and the resulting margin percentage. The dialog will accept entry of a new markup percentage and calculate a new price value using the "% of Sell Price" formula and rounding the result to the nearest nickel. If the new price is accepted then it will automatically be transferred to the Unit Price field.


DSR #5. Show non-stock items in "Standard Order" mode

Modifies the data retrieval procedures for the "Standard Order" mode of Create/Change Order to allow non-stock items to appear on the list.


DSR #6. View/select all price levels in Create/Change Order

Provides a "search" feature for the "Unit Price" value in Create/Change Order that will display all of the Level Prices for the current item and allow one to be selected for application to the current line item.


DSR #7. Show "item gross profit" in Create/Change Order

Modifies the layout of the "Status" area of the order editing dialog to show "Item Profit" which will be the Gross Profit $ and Gross Profit % for a single unit of the item.


DSR #8. Show Standard Order items in order by Item Description

Modifies the display of the Standard Order list in Create/Change Order so that the items are shown in order by Item Description (specifically, Description Line 1).


DSR #9. Allow Special Pricing to override Group Pricing

Changes the operation of the pricing system so that Customer Special Prices are allowed to override Group Pricing.


DSR #10. Provide for entry/editing of cutting instructions in Create/Change Order

Adds a pop-up window in Create/Change Order which allows for entry/editing of cutting instructions. The window may be accessed either by opening the drop-down menu using the button just to the right of the Description field or by hitting "Alt-F12" on the keyboard. For speed and simplicity the salesperson can choose from a list of pre-defined item-specific options or they can type in the customer's exact requirements. In either case, a maximum of 40 characters is available to describe the cutting requirements. In entrée these instructions, when provided, will automatically print on the Loading Sheet as an additional line of data. Maintenance of the list of pre-defined options can only be done in entrée through Inventory File Maintenance.


DSR #11. Provide the "price change request" feature

Adds a pop-up window in Create/Change Order which allows for entry/editing of a "requested price" value. The window may be accessed either by opening the drop-down menu using the button just to the right of the Description field or by hitting "Alt-F11" on the keyboard. In order to provide the ability to request a zero price, the feature is activated by marking a check box and entering the desired price. When a request is active for a given item then an additional line of data will be printed on the Loading Sheet in entrée.


DSR #12. Only allow credit hold to be overridden twice for a "Max Days" customer

Changes the handling of the "Automatic Credit Hold" feature in Create/Change Order so that the salesperson will only be allowed to override the hold a maximum of two times if the customer is being held as a result of open invoices which exceed the "Max Days" age limit. If the customer is on credit hold for any other reason then no override will be allowed. Each time new data is received from entrée a review will be performed to see if any customers who have had overrides applied can have their override count reset to zero, which is done automatically if the new data shows that the customer is no longer "on hold" at that moment.


DSR #13. Allow editing of selected Customer Special Prices to be blocked in Create/Change Order

Changes the operation of Create/Change Order to prevent an item price from being changed if it has been "locked" in entrée. This feature is partly controlled by the "Change 'locked' Special Prices" Salesperson Option. When creating or changing an order, if the price selected by the pricing system for a given item is a Special Price, and if that price is defined as "locked", then only someone with the "Change 'locked' Special Prices" option enabled in their DSR option settings in entrée Salesperson Maintenance will be allowed to alter this price.


DSR #14. "Locked" Special Prices always override Minimum Sell Price

Changes the operation of Create/Change Invoice so that a Special Price which is currently "locked" (see DSR #13) is allowed to go below Minimum Sell Price without presenting a warning, even if the salesperson doesn't otherwise have permission to override the Minimum Sell Price.


DSR #15. Show Price Levels 1-7 in the status area of Create/Change Order

Modifies the layout of the status area in Create/Change Order to add two additional lines of information and to split these new lines into four columns (instead of the standard of three). When a valid item is highlighted in the edit grid the prices for Levels 1 through 7 will be displayed in this area.


DSR #16. Show "Price Level" in the information panel in Create/Change Order

Modifies the layout of the status area in Create/Change Order to show the "Price Level" assigned to the current customer which will always be shown highlighted in red.

This feature uses the leftover eighth position created during the implementation of DSR #15.


DSR #17. Substitute Price Levels 1 and 5 for Minimum Sell Price in Create/Change Order

Changes the operation of Create/Change Order so that, for customers assigned to either Price Level 1 or Price Level 5, the appropriate Level Price will be used as the Minimum Sell Price value for all items, as long as the Level Price is not zero. This means that the system will accept any price for an item as long as it is at or above the customer's Level Price for that item. Access to this feature is controlled by the "Substitute Level Price for Minimum Sell" option.


DSR #18. Sale Pricing always overrides Minimum Sell Price

Changes the operation of Create/Change Order so that a Sale Price is allowed to go below Minimum Sell Price without presenting a warning, even if the salesperson doesn't otherwise have permission to do that.


DSR #19. Order Entry prompts for Discount and Bill back percentages

Changes the editing process for orders so that each line item will prompt for both a "Discount %" and "Bill back %" value. This change also modifies the way the customer "Sales Discount %" is applied so that only the single highest deduction from either the manually-entered "Discount %", the customer's "Sales Discount %" or an applicable promotion will be applied to the item. In addition, the application of the discount has been changed so that the deduction is taken off of the Unit Price rather than off the Extended Amount.


DSR #20. Break Pricing always overrides Minimum Sell Price

Changes the operation of Create/Change Order so that a Break Price is allowed to go below Minimum Sell Price without presenting a warning, even if the salesperson doesn't otherwise have permission to do that.


DSR #21. Create/Change Order accepts scans of UPC bar codes

Changes the operation of Create/Change Order so that the "Item Number" input field in the "Add Item" process will accept up to 15 characters of input data (normally it is limited to only 8 characters). If the input value is 8 characters or less it is treated as an Inventory Item Number and will be looked up in the "Item Number" field. If the input value is longer than 8 characters then it will be treated as a UPC Number and will be looked up in the "UPC Number" field.

Per the original specifications for this modification there is no support for secondary UPC Numbers.


DSR #22. Show "FAB Inventory" items in purple on Inventory searches

Changes the operation of the search system so that any items which are configured with the "FAB Inventory" option setting will be highlighted in purple on searches of the Inventory File.


DSR #23. Provide Food Show order entry

Provides a new order entry system which will accept "Food Show Orders". These orders will not directly affect Accounts Receivable or Inventory and will have their own special setup for promotions. Each line item can accept multiple delivery dates and each delivery can have a unique order quantity. These delivery dates are currently being defined as representing weekly order amounts.


DSR #24. Provide a dialog in Order Entry which displays all available Break Pricing

Adds a dialog in Create/Change Order which will display all available Break Prices defined in the system. This feature is triggered by right-clicking on the edit grid and selecting "View Break Price Items" or by using the "Alt-F10" shortcut key. When the feature is activated it will review all inventory items in the context of the current Order. This means that any linkage to customer-specific pricing through a Bill To Customer or Special Price Customer will be evaluated according to the current "Invoice Date". All available pricing will be presented in the form of two lists: One on the left which shows the items and the applicable dates of the pricing which was found and one on the right which shows the individual break quantities and prices.


DSR #25. Lock the data selection options on the "Exchange Data" dialog

Changes the "Exchange Data" dialog so that the "Transmit Data" and "Receive Data" options are both set to "Yes" and the "All data" option for each is selected. Then all of the data selection controls are locked so that the salesperson is prevented from making any changes.


DSR #26. Break Pricing requires both a Start and End Date

Changes the operation of the Break Pricing feature so that both a Start Date and an End Date are required in order for the pricing setup to be considered valid.


DSR #27. Provide the Bounced Check Credit Hold feature

Provides a "Bounced Check Credit Hold" switch in Customer File Maintenance. This duplicates the existing "Credit Hold" switch setting but carries the stipulation that the hold was issued because of a bounced check. So if either one of these switches is enabled then the customer is officially on a "manual credit hold" but using the "Bounced Check" option means that the warnings and error messages relating to credit hold will specify that it is a bounced check issue.


DSR #28. entrée.DOT Interface

Provide support for the entrée.DOT interface (See Mod #995 entrée.DOT Add-On Module).


DSR #29. Provide the Selling Units of Measure feature

Provides the Selling Units of Measure feature. It allows a single inventory item to be sold in a variety of forms without requiring the creation of individual inventory items to represent each form that the product can take. For instance, it allows a "CASE" item to be sold as a "PC." item without explicitly defining the "PC." item as entrée normally requires. This feature corresponds to entrée Mod #1040.


DSR #30. Suppress the "item qualifies for a promotion" message in Order Entry

Changes the operation of the Order Entry process to suppress the "item qualifies for a promotion" message that is normally presented when adding a qualifying item to an Order.


DSR #31. Default searches to "Contains" rather than "Match"

When executing searches of the various data files DSR normally defaults to the "Match" option. This modification changes the default to "Contains" (except for "Date" fields where there is no support for performing a "Contains" search).


DSR #32. Add new "MRC" field which displays the Minimum Sell price reversed, padded with leading zeros to 6 digits.

For example, given a minimum sell price of $19.87 the field would display 007891.


DSR #33. Change the Inventory Search so "inactive" items will not be shown.

The only exception is the search in the Inventory File Viewer which will always show all items.