Budget and auto distribution information can be entered any time, but it is most convenient to enter this information when you create an account. For a complete discussion of budgeting and auto distributions, see the corresponding sections below.


Note - Y Only active accounts can have budgeting and auto distribution information modified.



Click the drop down button and choose the budgeting Type for this account form these options:


L - % of Last Period, this account

R - % of Budgeting Reference Account

M - Manual


Start Amount

This field is only enabled when the user chooses budgeting type "L - % of Last Period, this account". This field is the dollar amount of the beginning budget.



This field is only enabled when the user chooses budgeting type "L - % of last Period, this account", or "R - % of Budgeting Reference Account". This field is the percentage that will be applied to each period, or the percentage of the budget to be applied to this account.


Reference Account

This field is only enabled when the user chooses budgeting type "R - % of Budgeting Reference Account". Enter the account you want to use as the reference account. If you do not know the account number, you can click the btn-Search search button or press the F5 key to display the GL Account Search screen.


Note - Y The Reference Account cannot be the same as the account currently being edited.


Budgeting Button

Clicking the "Budgeting" button will display the GL Budget window. For more information, see the section Entering Budget Information section later in this chapter.


Auto Distribution Button

Clicking the "Auto Distribution" button will display the GL Distribution window. For more information, see the section Entering Auto Distribution Information section later in this chapter.