The imaging system in entrée does not store the actual image data within the database files. Instead, an image repository is created in a sub-directory of the entrée data files directory. This directory is named Images. It is very important that the files stored in this directory are not manually deleted or renamed.


When an image file is imported into the entrée system, the file is copied to this directory and entry is made in the IMAGE_DB database file containing a reference ID for the image as well as descriptive text and the image type information. The database files for the Customers, Items, Brands and Classes are updated with the appropriate reference ID when an image is assigned to them. This reduces the overall size of the database files and eliminates duplicate posting of redundant information.



Using a digital camera you can take pictures of the products in your warehouse that can be imported into the entrée system.


Although images of any resolution are supported, it is recommended to use 640x480 resolution to save hard disk space and the amount of time it takes to upload the images to the entrée.NET internet ordering system.



The image files contained in the Images directory typically will not change very often, however a backup of this directory is recommended as part of your weekly backup to as a preventive measure.