The entrée Show Sales History utility allows the user that is creating or changing a purchase order to view the sales history of any item that is being purchased.


The Item Sales History window will compare up to 3 fiscal years worth of sales data.

To view the item sales history for the currently selected item in the line item grid, press the F4 key or right-click in the item detail grid and select Show Sales History.

Select a year from each Fiscal Year field that should be displayed by clicking the drop down button and selecting it from the list.


The Next and Prior arrow buttons at the bottom of the window will cycle through fiscal years.

Enabling the Lock option will prevent the year from being changed when cycling through fiscal years.

Enabling the Show on graph option will display the fiscal years' sales figures on the Sales Graph.

Clicking the Show Graph button to view a graphical representation of up to 3 years worth of sales data.