The line item grid is used to display and/or edit each of the items that are being purchased on the purchase order. This section will detail each of the columns of the line item grid.  All of the columns except for Item # will become read-only when the edit method is set to In Window.


Mouse Shortcuts

There is a context menu that can be activated by right-clicking in the line item grid.


The options of the menu are self explanatory. Some options may not be available depending on the users password settings.



Item #

Enter the item number of the product to be purchased in this field. If the item number is not known, click the search button to the right of the Item # column to invoke the Inventory Search screen.


Only items that have been previously defined in Inventory Maintenance may be added to the purchase order.


Inactive items may not be added to the purchase order. If you enter an inactive item number the Inactive Item message box will display. Click OK to close the message.




This read-only column will display the description of the line item as defined in Inventory Maintenance.


The item description may be manually overridden on a per purchase order basis by using the In Window edit method.




This read-only column displays the item's unit of measure, as defined in Inventory Maintenance.



Qty Ordered

This column is used to specify the desired number of units to purchase. Typically this value is entered using the numeric keypad, but this can also be accomplished by using the Up arrow and Down arrow keys of the keyboard or the Up / Down buttons. When ordering items with a unit of measure of LB., specify the number of pounds to order in this column.



Weight Ordered

The  column is used to view/edit the total weight of the item being purchased. entrée will calculate an estimated weight for catchweight items using the item's average weight. The user may modify the suggested total weight if desired, but typically this is not done until receiving the purchase order, because the true weight is not known.


For all other items that have a constant weight defined, this value will be calculated by entrée and cannot be modified.

The value N/A will be displayed for items without an average or constant weight defined.

The value N/A will also be displayed for items that have a unit of measure set to LB..



Unit Cost

This column is used to specify the per unit or per pound cost of the item and will default to the last cost from the selected vendor if one exists.


If there is no last cost information for the vendor, the real cost as defined in Inventory Maintenance will be used as the default value.

Users may override the default value with current or new pricing from the vendor if desired. If the item is sold by weight the cost is entered per pound. If the item is sold by the case the cost is entered per case.


System Option # 116 allows the cost to be entered by weight or by unit regardless of how the item is sold. If System option #116 is enabled the In Grid edit method will be disabled.



Extended Amt

This read-only column displays the total cost of the item being purchased.


When purchasing items by the pound this is the result of the Wgt Ordered * Unit Cost.

When purchasing items by the unit this is the result of the Qty Ordered * Unit Cost.



If system option # 60 is disabled, the unit cost will default to the real cost, as currently defined in the Inventory Maintenance for the item.


There are many factors relating to how the real cost is calculated including cost averaging, new costing, lot costing, purchases from assorted vendors, etc.


NECS recommends that system option 60 is checked, so the true cost from the vendor will be used if available.