Assigning a Salesperson to a Credit Manager. Using this new option in Salesperson Maintenance which makes it so that all customers assigned to this salesperson will also be automatically assigned to this person as their Credit Manager.


Use menu path: File > Salesperson/Broker Maint. > select a Salesperson > use the drop down list to select a Customer Credit Manager > click Apply > click OK.


System Option #169 "Accept orders for Credit Hold customers and queue for approval" must be checked to for the Customer Credit Manager field to be displayed in the Salesperson  tab. The Credit Hold Queue feature allows an order to be entered into the system but flagged as being "on hold". Before the order can be processed it must be approved by someone designated as a "Credit Manager".


To learn more about how to setup and use the Credit Hold Queue feature see the Credit Hold Queue Overview section of this guide. The control settings for these options and their special configuration page are accessed in the Additional Features section of System Options.