entrée V4 SQL - Imports
1.Sign-in to entrée V4 SQL.
2.Go to the Add-Ons ribbon menu and select the entrée.NET option drop down menu.
3.Select either Import Orders or Import prospects.
4.The rest of the steps from # 3 for V3 that follows will be the same.
entrée V3 - Imports
To process your customer orders from entrée.NET, you need to monitor your order submission emails and import orders as needed into the main entrée system.
1.Sign-in to the main entrée V3 system.
2.Use menu path: Invoicing > entrée.NET > select either Import Orders or Import prospects.
3.An Import progress box will display while the selected import automatically runs. |
4. When the import is done the progress box displays “Order import completed.”. |
If no new Orders or Prospects are available for import then one of the messages here will be displayed.
5. The Order Import Detail report is displayed with the results of the import process.
Use the Print Report button to generate a .pdf file to print or save the report. This report can be used to reconcile any order import problems by checking the Result column.
The .Net Prospect Import Report will automatically bring you to the entrée Re3 report generating system. Here you can print a hard copy of the report or create a report PDF file to save or email. Below is an example of the PDF report.
Refer to the Prospects Tab chapter to learn about the conversion process required for preparing a Prospect for import into the main entrée system.
6. Once the orders are imported each customer will receive a confirmation email thanking them for their order. The email also contains the order number, assigned invoice number and a link to view their order.
Importing New Orders Automatically
Instructions for this task are located in the entrée.Net Scheduler section which is next in this chapter.